Some People's Kids: Welcome to the 17,280th (APROX.) hour of.....

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Welcome to the 17,280th (APROX.) hour of.....

the Super Bowl pre-game show. Who is excited for this game to start? Look at all the hands go up. Why the hell does there need to be two weeks in between the title games and the Stupid Bowl? Woops maybe I should have asked permission of the NFL to use the words Super Bowl. Anyways, here are some good links from around the intraweb that I found this week... I will do as little as I can on the NFL.

They call him the rich man's KG, and man is he good.

The kittie halftime show rocks too, sorry prince.

Gary Bettman sucks!!

Why isn't David Lee starting, Isiah=not smart.

This is an example of the title of my blog.


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